• We believe in a trinitarian God

    God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Each person is considered fully God, yet distinct from one another.

  • We believe in the Father

    God the Father is the creator of the universe and the sustainer of all life. The divine authority for power, love, wisdom, guidance, and providence for all things.

  • We believe in Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity. He is our Savior and Redeemer, and only in Him through faith can we have a personal relationship with God and receive forgiveness of sins.

  • We believe in Holy Spirit

    The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and a distinct person within the Trinity. The Holy Spirit guides, comforts, and empowers all those who believe in God through Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the source of spiritual gifts bestowed upon believers for the edification of the Church.

  • We believe in the Bible

    The sacred text of the Bible is the expression of the inspired and authoritative word of God. The Bible provides teachings, principles, and guidance for living a godly and righteous life through Jesus Christ.

  • We Believe in Salvation

    Salvation through Jesus Christ is the deliverance and redemption of humanity from sin and its consequences, which will ultimately lead to eternal life with God. Jesus Christ's sacrificed himself on the cross and his resurrection provides mankind the means for atonement, offering forgiveness and restoration to those who believe in His holy name. So, there is no salvation in any other but Jesus Christ.

  • We believe in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ will return again to earth as the righteous judge, and He will hold everyone accountable for their actions and bring justice and righteousness to the world. The righteous will be translated into the presence of God for eternity.